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Builder's Risk Insurance
Course of Construction Insurance
Much Less Than Zurich - Scroll to the Bottom for Specific Examples of Cost Savings over Zuirch - Updated June 2008
Zurich has called itself the "market leader" in its advertising for builder's risk insurance and "the industry leader" in its advertising for course of construction insurance. I don't know if that is really true and how they quantify this "leadership". But there are many other, national companies available (other than Zurich) that are highly rated by A.M. Best with excellent coverage at very competitive rates. You never have to pay more than you have to.
And apparently Zurich doesn't want us to tell you that they may not be the cheapest option because Zurich sent this letter in December 2007 (Click here to read it.) containing threats (an false allegations) to take legal action if we don't stop advertising that there are other, less expensive options to Zurich. Zurich says in their letter that we are confusing the public into thinking that we are affiliated with Zurich when we use the Zurich name to say that we are less expensive than Zurich. Well, we give the public a little more credit for the ability to understand that if we say we are less expensive than Zurich, then we are not affiliated with Zurich.
We also have proof that Zurich has done other things to hurt our agency for no apparent reason other than the fact that we advertise that we have less expensive options for consumers; and they don't want us advertising this. For example, we have technology reports provided by THREE DIFFERENT independent third parties that show that Zurich, its representatives, its attorneys, and its other "spies" have consistently searched the internet for our paid advertising and clicked on it several times per day. We assume that they do this just to inflate our cost of advertising on the internet.
We also have proof that Zurich told the Virginia Bureau of Insurance in 2004 that Chase Carmen Hunter did not refund premium funds to a consumer in Michigan. But we had the cancelled check showing that the premium was refunded within 21 days. So we proved that this was not true; and when the Virginia Bureau of Insurance investigated as a result of Zurich's false report, the matter was promptly resolved. We also have proof that 18 months after this matter was resolved, Zurich falsely reported to Chase Carmen Hunter's bank that Chase Carmen Hunter fraudulently deposited a premium refund check related to this same Michigan consumer. The bank then withdrew these funds from Chase Carmen Hunter's bank and returned the funds to the Zurich subsidiary that issued the original check 18 months earlier. As anyone with a checking account knows, if you have an unexpected withdrawal from your checking account, other checks written in good faith may bounce. If you are an insurance agency handling customer funds and your checks start to bounce, this will likely result in the launching of an investigation by insurance regulators into possible mishandling of customer funds. So we think it is possible that Zurich's false reporting to this bank about fraudulent depositing of this refund check was designed only to provoke investigations by insurance regulators into Chase Carmen Hunter. But we do not mishandle customer funds, we had plenty of money in the bank to cover this check, we had no checks bounce, and a subsequent investigation showed that Zurich's claim was not valid and Zurich was required to repay the funds to Chase Carmen Hunter.
We also have proof that Zurich told a Connecticut consumer in 2005 that Chase Carmen Hunter did not remit his premium funds to the insurer (which was a subsidiary of Zurich). But we had the cancelled check and proved that this was not true. So, when the Connecticut Department of Insurance investigated, the matter was promptly resolved within 24 hours.
We are currently investigating another conspiracy of false reporting about Chase Carmen Hunter., and Chase Financial Services Since 1993 to insurance regulators, the insurance industry, and consumer protection regulators in March 2008. But you can rest assured that no harm will ever come to our agency because it was established on an unshakable foundation of integrity.
Why is Zurich trying so hard to cause harm to a competitor? Is it because we have always known that Zurich is not the only choice for builder's risk insurance, we have always advertised this fact (even when we were actively selling Zurich's builder's risk insurance), and they don't want this information advertised?
The truth is that you have other options. We know this because we researched and found many other builder's risk products that consumers like. And we believe that the public has a right to know the truth. We don't need to make false allegations and threaten to sue our competition to secure our success because we know that when you have what consumers want and you have integrity; you can never lose.
  • A new construction project valued at $1,807,000 was quoted in May 2007 by Zurich at a rate of 25 cents per $100 of coverage.
  • Our rate was 25% less at 19 cents per $100 of coverage.
  • For example, a $1,807,000 construction project would cost:
    • $4517.50 plus fees with Zurich
    • Only $3469 (plus $39 broker fee) with
  • The savings is at least 25% over Zurich. This is just one example.
  • Rates vary from state to state and county to county.
  • Click here to get instant online builder's risk insurance quotes at Feel free to compare with Zurich.
  • A new construction project valued at $750,000 in Los Angeles, California, was quoted in July 2007 by Zurich at a rate of 70.7 cents per $100 of coverage.
  • Our rate was 71% less at 20.2 cents per $100 of coverage.
  • Zurich charges an extra premium for projects in Los Angeles County, San Diego County, Orange County, and Alameda County. But we don't. Zurich's brokers often charge excessive broker fees in California and we don't.
  • Rates vary from state to state and county to county.
  • Click here to get instant online builder's risk insurance quotes at Feel free to compare with Zurich.
  • A renovation construction project valued at $100,000 in Maryland was insured by Zurich in April 2008 for about $850.
  • Our rate was $555 for a similar renovation construction project completed by the same customer in May 2008.
  • Our premium, including a $39 broker fee, was 35% less than Zurich.
  • Rates vary from state to state and county to county.
  • Click here to get instant online builder's risk insurance quotes at Feel free to compare with Zurich.


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Chase Carmen Hunter,, and Chase Financial Services Since 1993 offer services to residents of any country in the world including the following states of the United States of America: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming. Not all products are available in all states.