We are seeing a trend in which those in authority over dogs deemed or classified as dangerous (prosecutors, judges, dog wardens, county attorneys, etc) are calling the dog owners' insurance agents and insurance companies and making untrue statements about the dog and the dog owner that cause the insurance agent or insurance company undue alarm and that cause the dog owner's insurance policy to be cancelled. This is a violation of your privacy and insurance companies cannot cancel your policy under such circumstances (absent fraud). However, it is done on a regular basis throughout the United States. And we want to share a remedy to protect yourself.
We believe the reason for this trend is that many people in such authority don't want to regulate these dogs. They only want to euthanize them. And because we have made finding the insurance required by law for these dogs much easier and affordable, fewer dogs are being euthanized and those people in authority who hate dogs (and there are many) are responding by taking drastic measures to make it impossible for dog owners to meet the dangerous dog requirements. You can read more about this at Wall of Shame and on our "discussions" page on our webpage on Facebook. There are real-life examples.
Further, we have discovered that most of these people in authority don't understand insurance, including the judges and the county and city attorneys who are paid to review the insurance contracts. As such, they claim to believe that no coverage exists and erroneously reject the insurance policy; requiring me and the dog owner to fight fiercely just to educate them on their error. Meanwhile, oftentimes the dogs are being held in police custody, while the kennel fees escalate, while the dog owner and I spend exhaustive hours educating these educated people on the insurance coverage.
Another trend we are seeing is a series of fabricated obstacles that prohibit a dog owner from getting her dog out of police custody quickly. The result is undue financial pressure of escalating kennel fees which
forces the dog owner to euthanize his dog. One popular obstacle is refusing to release the dog until the dog owner presents the full policy for review. In some cases, this can be done immediately. However, the least expensive policy options required 3 days to 3 weeks to print the policy. Even though I provide a binder and a letter advising that the policy covers the dog in question, dog owners are sometimes being told that this is not sufficient to release the dog. There is absolutely no ordinance in the country that states that the dog owner must present a full policy for review before her dog can be released. And my binder and letter should always be sufficient.
To protect your rights, I recommend that you copy and paste the letter below and email it, fax it and mail it, certified mail and regular mail, to your local authorities including everyone who is involved in the enforcement and administration of your local dog laws.
{EnterYourFirstName} {EnterYourLastName}
{EnterYourCity}, {EnterYourState} {EnterYourZip}
Person In Authority
City, State Zip
RE: Dangerous Dog Enforcement
Because there is a trend in the United States in which those who enforce the dangerous dog laws are calling the dog owners' insurance agents and insurance companies and intentionally making false statements that cause such insurance policies to be unduly cancelled and intentionally making it impossible for dog owners to obtain and keep their insurance coverage, I, {EnterYourFirstName} {EnterYourLastName}, must assert my privacy rights and do not permit any violations of my such rights in the enforcement and administration of the laws or contracts that require me to carry dog insurance. Any contact with any third parties in the course of such enforcement and administration must be limited to verifying that coverage exists and no other information other than what can be found in a public phone book is to be volunteered to or requested by any other third parties; otherwise, it will be a violation of my privacy rights and all available remedies to compensate for damages suffered will be pursued against all involved. Any questions you have about my insurance must be given to me in writing. I will then give them to my agent who will be given my permission to respond accordingly.
_________________________ __________________________
Signature Date
Common Law Remedies To Violations of Privacy - Provide redress for invasion of privacy (i.e., intrusions into places or affairs as to which an individual has a reasonable expectation of privacy), public disclosure of privacy facts (even a criminal conviction is protected if the disclosure would not have otherwise been known or needed to be made known except for the unauthorized disclosure), defamation (i.e., disclosures of non-factual and/or inaccurate non-public information), and breach of duty of confidentiality.
Fair Information Practices Statutes - Limit the type of information that State and local governments can collect and maintain about individuals. Allow individuals to inspect and challenge information about them held by the State or local government. Restrict the ability of State and local governments to disclose personal data collected to third parties without first obtaining written consent of the individuals.
Insurance Records Statutes - Permit individuals who are denied insurance to learn the specific reasons for such denial and to obtain access to the information used in refusing coverage. ONLY applicants or policy holders may obtain access to non-privileged personal information about them, and may propose that such information be corrected, amended or deleted. Except where such disclosure is permitted by law, these statutes prohibit insurers from disclosing (without the individual's consent) information they collect on individuals and prohibit third parties from disclosing the information they collect on individuals to the insurers, agents and/or representives.
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